All Successful People Do This 1 Thing (Hint Its Not Work More Hours)
All Successful People Do This 1 Thing (Hint Its Not Work More Hours) This week, tzu siches been a lot of talk about 130-hour weeks being the key to success. But I dispute that.Im a big believer that success comes from working smarter, bedrngnis harder. In order to drive results, I think its smart to stay focused on the outcome not necessarily the input. Results are about smart project management and working well with others.And I belive there is one essential behavior that leads to more success the followup.Follow up is essential to your workplace success no matter what type of role youre in. Certainly, its critical for sales, but its also important if you are a project manager, if you are managing people, if you are pursuing a partnership, if you are fundraising or even if you are just part of a team.For many of us, especially women, its easy to be concerned that following up can be irritating or too pushy. Without follow up, opportunities, worksteps, and essential preparation ca ...