How to Explain a Firing during a Job Interview

How to Explain a Firing during a Job InterviewHow to Explain a Firing during a Job Interview1Interviews are all about selling oneself as the best person for the job at hand, so about the last thing a candidate feels like detailing is termination from a previous position. But while a firing may not rank among the most pleasant conversation topics, discussing it gracefully shows confidence and growth.Take these suggestions into consideration when explaining a firing during a job einstellungsgesprchCome to terms with the situation.Well before the meeting, take some time to process your feelings. Resentment, shame, and other negative emotions commonly associated with being fired have a way of rearing their ugly head during an interview when a candidate hasnt made peace with what happened.Choose your words, but dont lie.Forget about bending the truth, as tempting as the idea might sound. Such deception not only sets the stage for problems if discovered, it creates anxiety. Job hunting is tough enough without worrying about exposure from reference checks, employment verifications, or the hiring manager knowing somebody at your former company.Some of the brightest and most successful people in the world have been fired at some point in their careers. It is only debilitating to your job search if you lie about it, says Liz Webster, principal/team leader at the talent acquisition firm WinterWyman.If saying fired sounds harsh to the ears, she suggests let go as a softer alternative. However, she also cautions that candidates should avoid calling the dismissal a lay off if that is not what it was.Treat it as a learning experience.While an interviewee neednt go into extensive detail, a statement or two about the situation shows that you take what happened seriously.Saying Ultimately it was their decision, but I agreed it wasnt the right fit or something to that degree can be effective, Webster says.Then, offer some concise hindsight perspective on matters such asWhy it was a mismatch (different long-term goals, not utilizing your strengths, etc.)What you learned from the experience career-wiseHow youve grown professionally since thenAvoid trying to get off the hook by proclaiming you have no idea why you were fired- it sounds both dishonest and immature. Likewise, never bash a former employer (even if the CEO truly was a jerk). As Webster notes, The way that you discuss a company that fired you will speak volumes to a hiring manager about your character and how you will speak about their company if you ever leave.Move forward.Finally, dont make a previous termination the focus of your conversation. Yes, hiring managers do look at a candidates past, but their main interest is finding people who enrich their own companys future. Paint a vivid picture of how your skills match their needs. When you stay forward-thinking and positive, chances are the fhigkeit employer will do the same.Wish you could talk through your job search and career questions with s omeone?SIGN UP FOR CAREER COACHING


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